Saturday, November 2, 2013

Starting Web Development Classes With Intro to Ruby and Web Development at

I'm starting my classwork at to become a computer programmer and web development. It's an online curriculum for the next 16 weeks or so, with three different classes. The first class in Introduction to Ruby and Web Development.

I've always been interested in some form of coding. I hand-coded two portfolio websites on and I didn't like the WYSIWYG on either site so I built each site using my own HTML code. I also started doing it on my original site that has my professional writing portfolio from Boardwatch Magazine and TechTarget.

But I never thought about doing it as a career


It was actually Wendy's idea. She put it together before I thought about it.

So I'm working during the day and going to school at night learning to be a professional web developer. I'm interested in building web applications, so I'm starting with Ruby and Rails. I also plan to learn Python and JavaScript, but I have to start somewhere.

It's been interesting so far. We used the book Learn to Program by Chris Pine as our pre-class materials, and I really like it. He has a sense of humor to go along with his obvious programming skill, and he can teach it, which isn't as easy as it sounds.

Now we are into the material, and I've found myself starting to fall behind because I want to do every exercise, read every page, and soak up as much as possible during this phase. But I'll need to temper my enthusiasm so I can keep up.